

Monday, March 16, 2020

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer male theme.

Menopause men over the age of 50 are at risk of developing prostate cancer. The prostate is an important organ of the male reproductive system. Its shape resembles chestnuts and is about 3-4 cm wide. As the age increases, the prostate grows and the chances of developing cancer increase. Countries with high-fat food intake will find many things, as in United states countries, as far as Thailand, more are found now. Prostate cancer is divided into four stages, and in the first and second stages, the cancer is still in the prostate. No symptoms will be shown in stage 3, and cancer will grow until it blocks the urinary tract and begins to spread outside the prostate. Patients may urinate frequently, have difficulty urinating, and have difficulty urinating. Or urine may be blood, and stage IV cancer will spread to lymph nodes and bones. Patients may experience symptoms of fatigue. Pain in the bones and joints, weight loss, or overweight may cause paralysis due to fractured vertebrae.

Disease diagnosis guide
In general, is the best cancer treatment found in the early stages of the disease? In order to have effective treatments for longevity and good quality of life because if the patient visits the doctor in the later stages (stages 3 and 4), This may be too slow as there is currently no cure. Phases 3 and 4 will be palliative care, which will allow the patient to have the longest life. Therefore, the most important thing in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer. In patients, a prostate exam can be obtained from a doctor because early prostate cancer does not have any symptoms of urinary system disease. There are two ways to diagnose prostate cancer:

Tumor marker There are many markers of prostate cancer today. But the best is PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen), which is more All Best Cancer common in patients with prostate cancer. Therefore, it can be measured by taking blood. If the PSA level in the blood is higher than normal, there is a risk of prostate cancer. Importantly, men with early prostate cancer (stage 1 or stage 2) who have a chance to cure will show abnormal PSA results, and the waiting patient will not have any symptoms at all, and then see if cancer that the doctor found may have spread. Therefore, it is important to suck blood for PSA. Can be punctured at a general hospital

2. Digital rectal examination, or DRE for short, will be performed by a doctor who will use the rectal examination for prostate examinations. It takes about 1-2 minutes to check the shape and flexibility of the prostate. If cancer is an obvious tumor
If one of the tests finds a problem. Or both tests are abnormal and there is a risk of prostate cancer. The patient should undergo a biopsy to prove the pathology of cancer.
Currently, the removal of prostate tissue is easy. This method of cutting meat is not necessary by using a prostate ultrasound device where the doctor will use an anal insertion tool and then cut the meat with a small needle. You must go home after the anesthesia is done in any way.

Prostate cancer treatment
Treatment depends on the stage of the visit. If it was early in phase 1 or 2 then there is an opportunity to use the curing method. However, treatment cannot be cured if the patient sees a doctor at an advanced stage. But treatment will give you the longest life and have a better quality of life.

Early prostate cancer treatment (stage 1 or 2) can be treated in two ways:
1. Total prostatectomy, also known as radical prostatectomy, is a standardized treatment for prostate cancer. The effect is good. It is important that if the patient has prostate cancer at an early stage (especially stage 1 and stage 2), Have a chance to a more. Usually, the surgery is usually performed in patients under the age of 70 and the treatment results will be obtained. Very good, but if the patient is over 70 years of age, the doctor will consider other conditions according to the patient's condition and treatment conditions to determine the side effect of the surgery is that the patient may lose the ability to erect after surgery. In some patient's squamous-cell-carcinoma there may be problems with urinary incontinence. Currently, there are more radical prostatectomy operations in the United States.
2. Radiation or mineral implants in the prostate is another treatment. Radiation is used to destroy prostate cancer cells. The side effect is to stimulate the bladder epithelium. Otherwise, the intestinal mucosa occasionally causes blood urination, difficulty urinating, or blood in the stool. May be difficult to poop

Treatment of advanced prostate cancer (stage 3 or 4)
There are many ways. The principle of treatment is to reduce androgens, which are important cells that stimulate prostate cancer cells. Removal of both testes by surgery or taking hormone drugs

This new method of diagnosing and treating prostate cancer has led to the early detection of prostate cancer in Thai men and can be treated with the hope of curing it. Today, more and more Thai men are interested in physical health. Early detection of more prostate cancer patients and more early treatment through surgery makes Thai men more likely to recover from prostate cancer


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