

Monday, March 16, 2020

Squamous cell carcinoma Cancer

Squamous cell carcinoma
1. National and global incidence and trends
Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common skin cancer among all skin cancers. Can meet 20% of the total population among fair-skinned Westerners, the incidence is lower in Thailand
2. Risk factors for disease
Today, skin cancer is more common. The reason is due to changes in the environment. The factors that promote skin cancer are as follows
Some genetic diseases
-Caucasian or albino
Arsenic and other chemical substances
-Some types of human papillomavirus
Chronic wounds
            -Radiation Therapy
Low immunity
3. Signs and symptoms
It was found in both male and female patients over 50 years old that small clumps started to form at this stage. Normal skin tone or reddish, hard, unclear borders. The skin is often jagged and may also have villi. Later, the lesions become deeper. Until the skin ruptures, nodules sc, bleeding, and bad smell are usually found on the skin (such as the face, scalp, arms, and chest) exposed to direct sunlight. This type of skin cancer is currently unknown Rough and flaking, often splitting into wounds.
1. Diagnosis 1. Diagnosis
The diagnosis of this type of skin cancer can be done by partial biopsy. Or pathological examination of all lesions
2. Other tests to help diagnose
Treatment 3. Treatment
A. Surgery
This type of skin cancer surgery can be performed by two methods: the first method is to perform surgery according to standard methods. If skin cancer is less than 6 mm, surgery will be performed to remove the skin  Best cancers Top cancer. Skin cancer is at least about 4 mm of normal skin around. However, if the skin cancer is larger than 6 mm, surgery must be performed to remove at least about 6 mm of normal skin.
The second method is the Mohs Micrographic Surgery. This surgery can make the skin cancer cure rate reach 97-99.8%, which takes longer than normal surgery. As skin cancer is removed, a pathological examination will be performed immediately. Before suture, the surgical wound, make sure that the skin cancer has been completely removed
Chemotherapy for this type of skin cancer will be applied. 5-fluorouracil or 5% imiquimod, but only for superficial skin cancer

        -Radiation Therapy
If the patient is unable to undergo surgery (for example, elderly patients), skin cancer with a congenital disease or inability to undergo surgery will be used
Other treatments (if any)
If skin cancer is superficial, other therapies can be used, such as cold spray, electrocautery, and photodynamic therapy. Or so much that it cannot be removed by surgery at all
1. Results of follow-up treatment
Patients should be monitored for treatment every 6 months to assess recurrence. Or recurrence of skin cancer at another location
2. Screening 2. Screening
If the patient is at risk or has a history of skin cancer if the skin lesion is suspected of having skin cancer, it should be checked at least once a year by a dermatologist. Such skin lesions should be sent for further pathological examination

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common skin cancers. Caused by epidermal-covered cells Often, this type of cancer can be severe. But it usually doesn't cause death, but it can cause serious complications if cancer grows or spreads to other parts of the body without treatment. This type of skin cancer is usually caused by exposure to ultraviolet light, whether it comes from the sun, a sunbed, or a lamp. Avoiding ultraviolet radiation helps reduce the risk of this and other types of skin cancer, which are squamous cells found in many parts of the body. And may occur anywhere this cell type exists (but this article only discusses SCC cancers found in the skin area)

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in sunlight, such as the scalp, back, hands, and ears, but it can also occur in other parts, such as the mouth, anus, and male and female genitals.

Symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma include

Red lumps
Flaky superficial wound
The original scar has a new wound or incision.
Rough sc on the lips
Red spots or red blisters in the mouth
Red spots on or inside the anus or genitals
If you have sores or flakes that have not healed or the scab persists within 2 months, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma

Most types of cancer can be eliminated with minor surgery or topical medication. The processing method is as follows.

Electrodeionization curettage (ED & C)
Laser Treatment
Photodynamic therapy
Use ointment or


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